You’ve landed here because…

  • You feel good about your finances but would feel great having professional guidance
  • You're focused on living a happy and fulfilling life, but sometimes finances get in the way
  • You know you would sleep soundly having a trusted partner always looking after your money
  • You would find comfort in having a sound investment strategy aligned with your financial plan
Analytics Fee Only Investment Advisor Orange County California

Who We Work With

It’s important to find an advisor who’s a good fit. Here are a few of the people we serve:

Retirees Fee Only Financial Planner Orange County California

Retirees (and those close to it)

Our clients are actively looking for an optimal way to navigate the complexities of retirement. Our unique planning process will solve just that.
Medical Professionals Fee Only Investment Advisor Irvine California

High Earners

We help people in all professions prepare for their future. However, we do offer specialized planning for medical professionals as well as tech employees with stock options.
Savings Fee Only Financial Planner Irvine California

Diligent savers

We work with many clients that have accumulated investment and retirement assets of $500k or more.
People Fee Only Investment Advisor Orange County California

Nice People

We've built our practice for amazing individuals who place their trust in a competent advisor that can help them make the most out of their retirement.
Question Fee Only Financial Planner Orange County California

How Do I Get Started?

Good financial planning takes time and is unique to every individual. For that reason, we only take on a select number of clients and only if we're a good fit to ensure quality planning.

Here's our 3-Step Process for working with us:
1. Schedule a quick chat to get to know each other.
2. Meet virtually to determine if we are the right advisor for you.
3. Think about it before making a decision. No high-pressure sales here!

Planning Process

Businessman Fee Only Investment Advisor Irvine California
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The purpose of this meeting is to get to know YOU. We’ll go over your current situation and plan (if there’s one already in place), and get a deeper understanding of what you truly value in life.

Blueprint+ is a collaborative process with a customized approach to creating the life you want to live. It begins with our initial assessment to uncover how best to work together and understand who you are.

There's no one-size-fits-all plan as it includes both an art and science element to it. The point is to get a clear picture of your situation and mindset so we can help curate the best plan to fit your life.

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Every plan begins with a foundational blueprint. We'll uncover everything you currently have in place and use that as a starting point to build off of and begin planning.

We want to get a deep understanding of all the moving parts in your life so that we can build and track your financial well-being over time.

Meeting Fee Only Financial Planner Irvine California
Analysis Fee Only Investment Advisor Orange County California
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After we have a good understanding of where you are now and the priorities you have in life, we'll begin to test various scenarios with our modeling software to review together.

We’ll also look at the risk and effectiveness of each option to narrow in on the ideal plan that can help meet your goals.

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Investment Design

At this point, we’ll have a discussion on how to strategically construct an investment portfolio to align with the financial plan we'll put in place together.

This begins with an Investment Policy Statement which will act as a guide for any investment decisions to be implemented.

In conjunction with our investment specialist team, your portfolio will be implemented on one of our independent custodial platforms (we never custody any client funds) and monitored over time.

Analytics Fee Only Financial Planner Orange County California
Deal Fee Only Investment Advisor Irvine California
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Wealth Monitoring

Through tracking and ongoing monitoring, you'll have more control over your financial future.

Let us be your sounding board for any financial decisions that may arise in your life. We'll help you to stay organized, implement on your plan, and track your progress over time to reach your goals.

We're here to design an ongoing plan that instills confidence so that you can go out and live the life without the burdon of financial stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a financial planner?
Who don’t we serve?
How do we earn money?
Could I do this on my own?
Why should I work with a CFP®?
What type of investments do you use?
How are we different from other advisors?
What if I don’t live near Orange County, California?
financial planner in Irvine

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